1. First Impressions

    You only get one chance to make a first impression! When it comes to selling your home, attention to detail could be pivotal in securing [Read more]


    When choosing an estate agent to represent your best interests in your sale you have a variety of agency styles from which to choose. However, [Read more]

  3. Waiting in Hope?

    If your property is currently on the market, it may be tempting to assume that your agent is in full control of the situation, and [Read more]

  4. Why choose Leonard Gray Estate Agents?

    Despite what you may think, all Estate Agents are different. Here are seven reasons why you should choose Leonard Gray Estate Agents over our competitors.

  5. Avoid Virtual Tours

    Some agents have introduced a number of concepts and innovations which they hope will impress you enough to sell your property through them, yet we [Read more]

  6. Valuation Versus Value

    Estate agents’ market valuations are usually free, and because of this, it is very tempting for prospective sellers to invite a number of agents to [Read more]